In case of a diet, write YES in the special meal column and fill out the diet form. COMSEV declines any responsibility if the special diet form has not been correctly filled out or not attached.
Annual amount for Kindergarten and 1st and 2nd Primary: €425.00 and will be divided into 3 installments: €170.00 in September; €127.50 in January and April.
Annual amount for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Primary: €630.00 and will be divided into 3 installments: €252.00 in September; €189.00 in January and April.
by bank transfer to Unicredit account in the name of Cooperativa Mensa della Scuola Europea di Varese IBAN IT 38 C 02008 10800 000041309214 BIC/SWIFT UNCRITM1380
For payments from a SWISS account, make the transfer to CREDIT AGRICOLE ITALIA bank: IBAN IT14 Y 06230 10802 0000 47072350 BIC/SWIFT CRPPIT2P or in the office with a debit card or credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD)
In case of insufficient credit, parents/guardians will automatically receive a reminder email to recharge.
Payments will be grouped into a single family account.
Invoices will be issued for the various payments received (for Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary school).
Remaining credit at the end of the school year will be available for the following year.